Land Use Bylaw 2024-790 – 1st Reading with Maps

The MD of Acadia gave 1st Reading of Land use Bylaw 2024-790 on March 12, 2024

Public Hearing for Bylaw 2024-790 will be held in the MD of Acadia Office at #9 Main Street, Acadia Valley, AB on Tuesday April 9, 2024 from 12:00 p.m.– 1:00 p.m. 

Pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, being Chapter M-26 of the Statutes of Alberta, notice is hereby given that the Municipal District of Acadia No. 34 (MD of Acadia) will hold a public hearing prior to the second reading of Land Use Bylaw 2024-790. Bylaw 2024-790 proposes to replace the current Land Use Bylaw 2012-727 with an updated Land Use Bylaw.

The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) serves as the “rule book” for the development within the MD of Acadia. The LUB regulates the development of land and buildings on a site-specific basis, based on the policy directions set by the MD of Acadia’s Municipal Development Plan. The LUB regulates how land can be used, including what uses are appropriate and where they can be located. The LUB aims to balance landowner’s rights with the interests of the community.

Some of the key highlights of the proposed Land Use Bylaw 2024-790  include:

  • Compliance with all recent legislative changes to the Municipal Government Act; including development permit notices and timelines, responsibilities of the Development Authority, and appeals.
  • Updated regulations from the lens of reducing ‘red tape’ in the planning & development process (e.g. allowing more permitted uses, simplifying permit requirements)
  • Clear and concise subdivision regulations.
  • Reducing the number of land use districts
  • All uses and general terms used in the bylaw are clearly identified and defined.
  • Clear development regulations for specific uses such as Home Occupations and Accessory Dwelling Units.
  • Improved format and layout.

Should you wish to address Council in person, a public hearing for Bylaw 2024-790 will be held in the MD of Acadia Office at #9 Main Street, Acadia Valley, AB on Tuesday April 9, 2024 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.  Council will hear from any person claiming to be affected by the proposed bylaw.

Additionally, written comments may be delivered to Box 30, Acadia Valley, AB  T0J0A0 or emailed to submissions will be received up to Monday April 8, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

The proposed Land Use Bylaw 2024-790 can be reviewed online at or copies may be viewed Monday through Thursday at #9 Main Street, Acadia Valley, AB from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Land Use Bylaw – Review and Update

The Municipal Government Act requires that all municipalities in Alberta adopt a Land Use Bylaw (LUB).

What is a Land Use Bylaw?

A Land Use Bylaw directs the use and development of lands and buildings. By establishing land use districts (zoning), the LUB regulates the types of activities and buildings that can occur on any specific property. It also contains regulations, such as how many subdivisions are allowed out of a quarter section before a rezoning is required, parcel sizes, building height, and building setbacks from property lines.

What is the review process and timelines?

The MD of Acadia is working with Palliser Regional Municipal Services (PRMS) to update the MD’s current Land Use Bylaw 2012-727 in collaboration with Council and its residents. The new LUB will replace the current version of the MD of Acadia Land Use Bylaw 2012-727.

PRMS is currently gathering feedback on the draft LUB from residents and businesses. An open house is being held on Wednesday December 13, 2023 at the Acadia Valley Community Hall from (6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) You are invited to attend the open house and discuss the draft LUB with Palliser and MD of Acadia staff.

Following the open house, the draft LUB will be revised as necessary. The draft LUB will then be presented to Council for approval by bylaw. A formal public hearing will be held to provide the opportunity for affected persons to speak to Council.

What is proposed to change?

Some of the goals of the LUB review include:

  • ensuring the LUB meets the new requirements of the Municipal Government Act;
  • reorganization and reformatting to make the LUB easier to read and understand;
  • elimination of inconsistencies and conflicting regulations;
  • incorporating new land uses and updating regulations;
  • ensuring all uses and terms are defined for clarity; and
  • ensuring the correct districts are applied to each property and appropriate uses are listed in each district.

The draft LUB can be viewed here. The draft Land Use District map can be viewed here.

A list of Frequently Asked Questions about LUBs can be found here.

Click here to access the public engagement survey. 

If you have any questions or comments, please contact:

CAO, MD of Acadia | 403-972-3808