Land Use Planning in the Municipal District of Acadia No. 34 is governed by the following documents:
Since these plans have been adopted, amendments have been made through the following bylaws:
Together these documents are used to make decision relating the Planning and Development activities within the Municipal District of Acadia No. 34. As decisions are being made, they must comply with the IDP, MDP, and LUB.
The IDP details the agreed upon development goals and objectives of the plan area that has been established in conjunction with the Special Areas, and is consistent with the MGA.
The MDP details the general development goals and objectives of the Municipal District of Acadia N0. 34, and includes a future land use map that is consistent with the IDP that has been adopted.
At this time the Municipal District of Acadia No. 34 has not adopted at Area Structure Plans or Area Redevelopment Plans.
The LUB is the regulatory tool that implements the IDP and MDP. In the future if an ASP or ARP is adopted, the LUB would also guide the implementation of these plans.