To send us a payment via your ATB Online account, please follow the below steps:
- Have a copy of your municipal utility invoice on hand
- Log-in to your ATB Online account
- Add us as a payee by searching “Municipal District of Acadia No. 34”
- Enter your account number, which is found on your utility invoice and is a 5-6 digit alpha-numeric sequence (do not include the dash(-) that separates the account number)
If you require assistance on this, or to find out your account number, please contact our municipal office at 403-972-3808.
For non-ATB customers, you can send us a payment via Interac e-Transfer in your online banking profile. To do so, please follow the below steps:
- Have a copy of your municipal utility invoice on hand
- Enter the email address into the recipient field
- Select a question that will be obvious for us to answer, such as ‘what is my last name?’ or ‘what is 2 plus 2?’
- In the message section, please provide your or your business’s name, your account number and any other info that may help us credit the funds to the correct account (if you have more than one account with us).
If you have any issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the MD office at 403-972-3808.